Source code for pytestqt.plugin

from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
import functools
import sys
import traceback
import weakref
import datetime

from py._code.code import TerminalRepr
from py._code.code import ReprFileLocation

import pytest
import re

from pytestqt.qt_compat import QtCore, QtTest, QApplication, QT_API, \
    qInstallMsgHandler, qInstallMessageHandler, QtDebugMsg, QtWarningMsg, \
    QtCriticalMsg, QtFatalMsg

def _inject_qtest_methods(cls):
    Injects QTest methods into the given class QtBot, so the user can access
    them directly without having to import QTest.

    def create_qtest_proxy_method(method_name):

        if hasattr(QtTest.QTest, method_name):
            qtest_method = getattr(QtTest.QTest, method_name)

            def result(*args, **kwargs):
                return qtest_method(*args, **kwargs)

            functools.update_wrapper(result, qtest_method)
            return staticmethod(result)
            return None  # pragma: no cover

    # inject methods from QTest into QtBot
    method_names = [

    for method_name in method_names:
        method = create_qtest_proxy_method(method_name)
        if method is not None:
            setattr(cls, method_name, method)

    return cls

[docs]class QtBot(object): """ Instances of this class are responsible for sending events to `Qt` objects (usually widgets), simulating user input. .. important:: Instances of this class should be accessed only by using a ``qtbot`` fixture, never instantiated directly. **Widgets** .. automethod:: addWidget .. automethod:: waitForWindowShown .. automethod:: stopForInteraction **Signals** .. automethod:: waitSignal .. automethod:: waitSignals **Raw QTest API** Methods below provide very low level functions, as sending a single mouse click or a key event. Those methods are just forwarded directly to the `QTest API`_. Consult the documentation for more information. --- Below are methods used to simulate sending key events to widgets: .. staticmethod:: keyPress(widget, key[, modifier=Qt.NoModifier[, delay=-1]]) .. staticmethod:: keyClick (widget, key[, modifier=Qt.NoModifier[, delay=-1]]) .. staticmethod:: keyClicks (widget, key sequence[, modifier=Qt.NoModifier[, delay=-1]]) .. staticmethod:: keyEvent (action, widget, key[, modifier=Qt.NoModifier[, delay=-1]]) .. staticmethod:: keyPress (widget, key[, modifier=Qt.NoModifier[, delay=-1]]) .. staticmethod:: keyRelease (widget, key[, modifier=Qt.NoModifier[, delay=-1]]) Sends one or more keyword events to a widget. :param QWidget widget: the widget that will receive the event :param str|int key: key to send, it can be either a Qt.Key_* constant or a single character string. .. _keyboard modifiers: :param Qt.KeyboardModifier modifier: flags OR'ed together representing other modifier keys also pressed. Possible flags are: * ``Qt.NoModifier``: No modifier key is pressed. * ``Qt.ShiftModifier``: A Shift key on the keyboard is pressed. * ``Qt.ControlModifier``: A Ctrl key on the keyboard is pressed. * ``Qt.AltModifier``: An Alt key on the keyboard is pressed. * ``Qt.MetaModifier``: A Meta key on the keyboard is pressed. * ``Qt.KeypadModifier``: A keypad button is pressed. * ``Qt.GroupSwitchModifier``: X11 only. A Mode_switch key on the keyboard is pressed. :param int delay: after the event, delay the test for this miliseconds (if > 0). .. staticmethod:: keyToAscii (key) Auxilliary method that converts the given constant ot its equivalent ascii. :param Qt.Key_* key: one of the constants for keys in the Qt namespace. :return type: str :returns: the equivalent character string. .. note:: this method is not available in PyQt. --- Below are methods used to simulate sending mouse events to widgets. .. staticmethod:: mouseClick (widget, button[, stateKey=0[, pos=QPoint()[, delay=-1]]]) .. staticmethod:: mouseDClick (widget, button[, stateKey=0[, pos=QPoint()[, delay=-1]]]) .. staticmethod:: mouseEvent (action, widget, button, stateKey, pos[, delay=-1]) .. staticmethod:: mouseMove (widget[, pos=QPoint()[, delay=-1]]) .. staticmethod:: mousePress (widget, button[, stateKey=0[, pos=QPoint()[, delay=-1]]]) .. staticmethod:: mouseRelease (widget, button[, stateKey=0[, pos=QPoint()[, delay=-1]]]) Sends a mouse moves and clicks to a widget. :param QWidget widget: the widget that will receive the event :param Qt.MouseButton button: flags OR'ed together representing the button pressed. Possible flags are: * ``Qt.NoButton``: The button state does not refer to any button (see QMouseEvent.button()). * ``Qt.LeftButton``: The left button is pressed, or an event refers to the left button. (The left button may be the right button on left-handed mice.) * ``Qt.RightButton``: The right button. * ``Qt.MidButton``: The middle button. * ``Qt.MiddleButton``: The middle button. * ``Qt.XButton1``: The first X button. * ``Qt.XButton2``: The second X button. :param Qt.KeyboardModifier modifier: flags OR'ed together representing other modifier keys also pressed. See `keyboard modifiers`_. :param QPoint position: position of the mouse pointer. :param int delay: after the event, delay the test for this miliseconds (if > 0). .. _QTest API: """ def __init__(self): self._widgets = [] # list of weakref to QWidget instances def _close(self): """ Clear up method. Called at the end of each test that uses a ``qtbot`` fixture. """ for w in self._widgets: w = w() if w is not None: w.close() w.deleteLater() self._widgets[:] = []
[docs] def addWidget(self, widget): """ Adds a widget to be tracked by this bot. This is not required, but will ensure that the widget gets closed by the end of the test, so it is highly recommended. :param QWidget widget: Widget to keep track of. """ self._widgets.append(weakref.ref(widget))
add_widget = addWidget # pep-8 alias
[docs] def waitForWindowShown(self, widget): """ Waits until the window is shown in the screen. This is mainly useful for asynchronous systems like X11, where a window will be mapped to screen some time after being asked to show itself on the screen. :param QWidget widget: Widget to wait on. .. note:: In Qt5, the actual method called is qWaitForWindowExposed, but this name is kept for backward compatibility """ if hasattr(QtTest.QTest, 'qWaitForWindowShown'): # pragma: no cover # PyQt4 and PySide QtTest.QTest.qWaitForWindowShown(widget) else: # pragma: no cover # PyQt5 QtTest.QTest.qWaitForWindowExposed(widget)
wait_for_window_shown = waitForWindowShown # pep-8 alias
[docs] def stopForInteraction(self): """ Stops the current test flow, letting the user interact with any visible widget. This is mainly useful so that you can verify the current state of the program while writing tests. Closing the windows should resume the test run, with ``qtbot`` attempting to restore visibility of the widgets as they were before this call. .. note:: As a convenience, it is also aliased as `stop`. """ widget_and_visibility = [] for weak_widget in self._widgets: widget = weak_widget() if widget is not None: widget_and_visibility.append((widget, widget.isVisible())) QApplication.instance().exec_() for widget, visible in widget_and_visibility: widget.setVisible(visible)
stop = stopForInteraction
[docs] def waitSignal(self, signal=None, timeout=1000, raising=False): """ .. versionadded:: 1.2 Stops current test until a signal is triggered. Used to stop the control flow of a test until a signal is emitted, or a number of milliseconds, specified by ``timeout``, has elapsed. Best used as a context manager:: with qtbot.waitSignal(signal, timeout=1000): long_function_that_calls_signal() Also, you can use the :class:`SignalBlocker` directly if the context manager form is not convenient:: blocker = qtbot.waitSignal(signal, timeout=1000) blocker.connect(another_signal) long_function_that_calls_signal() blocker.wait() Any additional signal, when triggered, will make :meth:`wait` return. .. versionadded:: 1.4 The *raising* parameter. :param Signal signal: A signal to wait for. Set to ``None`` to just use timeout. :param int timeout: How many milliseconds to wait before resuming control flow. :param bool raising: If :class:`QtBot.SignalTimeoutError <pytestqt.plugin.SignalTimeoutError>` should be raised if a timeout occurred. :returns: ``SignalBlocker`` object. Call ``SignalBlocker.wait()`` to wait. .. note:: Cannot have both ``signals`` and ``timeout`` equal ``None``, or else you will block indefinitely. We throw an error if this occurs. """ blocker = SignalBlocker(timeout=timeout, raising=raising) if signal is not None: blocker.connect(signal) return blocker
wait_signal = waitSignal # pep-8 alias
[docs] def waitSignals(self, signals=None, timeout=1000, raising=False): """ .. versionadded:: 1.4 Stops current test until all given signals are triggered. Used to stop the control flow of a test until all (and only all) signals are emitted or the number of milliseconds specified by ``timeout`` has elapsed. Best used as a context manager:: with qtbot.waitSignals([signal1, signal2], timeout=1000): long_function_that_calls_signals() Also, you can use the :class:`MultiSignalBlocker` directly if the context manager form is not convenient:: blocker = qtbot.waitSignals(signals, timeout=1000) long_function_that_calls_signal() blocker.wait() :param list signals: A list of :class:`Signal`s to wait for. Set to ``None`` to just use timeout. :param int timeout: How many milliseconds to wait before resuming control flow. :param bool raising: If :class:`QtBot.SignalTimeoutError <pytestqt.plugin.SignalTimeoutError>` should be raised if a timeout occurred. :returns: ``MultiSignalBlocker`` object. Call ``MultiSignalBlocker.wait()`` to wait. .. note:: Cannot have both ``signals`` and ``timeout`` equal ``None``, or else you will block indefinitely. We throw an error if this occurs. """ blocker = MultiSignalBlocker(timeout=timeout, raising=raising) if signals is not None: for signal in signals: blocker._add_signal(signal) return blocker
wait_signals = waitSignals # pep-8 alias
class _AbstractSignalBlocker(object): """ Base class for :class:`SignalBlocker` and :class:`MultiSignalBlocker`. Provides :meth:`wait` and a context manager protocol, but no means to add new signals and to detect when the signals should be considered "done". This needs to be implemented by subclasses. Subclasses also need to provide ``self._signals`` which should evaluate to ``False`` if no signals were configured. """ def __init__(self, timeout=1000, raising=False): self._loop = QtCore.QEventLoop() self.timeout = timeout self.signal_triggered = False self.raising = raising def wait(self): """ Waits until either a connected signal is triggered or timeout is reached. :raise ValueError: if no signals are connected and timeout is None; in this case it would wait forever. """ if self.signal_triggered: return if self.timeout is None and not self._signals: raise ValueError("No signals or timeout specified.") if self.timeout is not None: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(self.timeout, self._loop.quit) self._loop.exec_() if not self.signal_triggered and self.raising: raise SignalTimeoutError("Didn't get signal after %sms." % self.timeout) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if value is None: # only wait if no exception happened inside the "with" block self.wait()
[docs]class SignalBlocker(_AbstractSignalBlocker): """ Returned by :meth:`QtBot.waitSignal` method. :ivar int timeout: maximum time to wait for a signal to be triggered. Can be changed before :meth:`wait` is called. :ivar bool signal_triggered: set to ``True`` if a signal (or all signals in case of :class:`MultipleSignalBlocker`) was triggered, or ``False`` if timeout was reached instead. Until :meth:`wait` is called, this is set to ``None``. :ivar bool raising: If :class:`SignalTimeoutError` should be raised if a timeout occurred. .. automethod:: wait .. automethod:: connect """ def __init__(self, timeout=1000, raising=False): super(SignalBlocker, self).__init__(timeout, raising=raising) self._signals = []
[docs] def connect(self, signal): """ Connects to the given signal, making :meth:`wait()` return once this signal is emitted. More than one signal can be connected, in which case **any** one of them will make ``wait()`` return. :param signal: QtCore.Signal """ signal.connect(self._quit_loop_by_signal) self._signals.append(signal)
def _quit_loop_by_signal(self): """ quits the event loop and marks that we finished because of a signal. """ self.signal_triggered = True self._loop.quit()
[docs]class MultiSignalBlocker(_AbstractSignalBlocker): """ Returned by :meth:`QtBot.waitSignals` method, blocks until all signals connected to it are triggered or the timeout is reached. Variables identical to :class:`SignalBlocker`: - ``timeout`` - ``signal_triggered`` - ``raising`` .. automethod:: wait """ def __init__(self, timeout=1000, raising=False): super(MultiSignalBlocker, self).__init__(timeout, raising=raising) self._signals = {} def _add_signal(self, signal): """ Adds the given signal to the list of signals which :meth:`wait()` waits for. :param signal: QtCore.Signal """ self._signals[signal] = False signal.connect(functools.partial(self._signal_emitted, signal)) def _signal_emitted(self, signal): """ Called when a given signal is emitted. If all expected signals have been emitted, quits the event loop and marks that we finished because signals. """ self._signals[signal] = True if all(self._signals.values()): self.signal_triggered = True self._loop.quit()
[docs]class SignalTimeoutError(Exception): """ .. versionadded:: 1.4 The exception thrown by :meth:`QtBot.waitSignal` if the *raising* parameter has been given and there was a timeout. """ pass # provide easy access to SignalTimeoutError to qtbot fixtures
QtBot.SignalTimeoutError = SignalTimeoutError @contextmanager def capture_exceptions(): """ Context manager that captures exceptions that happen insides its context, and returns them as a list of (type, value, traceback) after the context ends. """ result = [] def hook(type_, value, tback): result.append((type_, value, tback)) sys.__excepthook__(type_, value, tback) sys.excepthook = hook try: yield result finally: sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__ def format_captured_exceptions(exceptions): """ Formats exceptions given as (type, value, traceback) into a string suitable to display as a test failure. """ message = 'Qt exceptions in virtual methods:\n' message += '_' * 80 + '\n' for (exc_type, value, tback) in exceptions: message += ''.join(traceback.format_tb(tback)) + '\n' message += '%s: %s\n' % (exc_type.__name__, value) message += '_' * 80 + '\n' return message @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='session') def qapp(): """ fixture that instantiates the QApplication instance that will be used by the tests. """ app = QApplication.instance() if app is None: global _qapp_instance _qapp_instance = QApplication([]) yield _qapp_instance else: yield app # pragma: no cover # holds a global QApplication instance created in the qapp fixture; keeping # this reference alive avoids it being garbage collected too early _qapp_instance = None @pytest.yield_fixture def qtbot(qapp, request): """ Fixture used to create a QtBot instance for using during testing. Make sure to call addWidget for each top-level widget you create to ensure that they are properly closed after the test ends. """ result = QtBot() no_capture = request.node.get_marker('qt_no_exception_capture') or \ request.config.getini('qt_no_exception_capture') if no_capture: yield result # pragma: no cover else: with capture_exceptions() as exceptions: yield result if exceptions: result._close() def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addini('qt_no_exception_capture', 'disable automatic exception capture') default_log_fail = QtLoggingPlugin.LOG_FAIL_OPTIONS[0] parser.addini('qt_log_level_fail', 'log level in which tests can fail: {0} (default: "{1}")' .format(QtLoggingPlugin.LOG_FAIL_OPTIONS, default_log_fail), default=default_log_fail) parser.addini('qt_log_ignore', 'list of regexes for messages that should not cause a tests ' 'to fails', type='linelist') parser.addoption('--no-qt-log', dest='qt_log', action='store_false', default=True) if QT_API == 'pyqt5': default = '{rec.context.file}:{rec.context.function}:' \ '{rec.context.line}:\n {rec.type_name}: {rec.message}' else: default = '{rec.type_name}: {rec.message}' parser.addoption('--qt-log-format', dest='qt_log_format', default=default) @pytest.mark.hookwrapper def pytest_runtest_teardown(): """ Hook called after each test tear down, to process any pending events and avoiding leaking events to the next test. """ yield app = QApplication.instance() if app is not None: app.processEvents() def pytest_configure(config): config.addinivalue_line( 'markers', "qt_no_exception_capture: Disables pytest-qt's automatic exception " 'capture for just one test item.') config.addinivalue_line( 'markers', 'qt_log_level_fail: overrides qt_log_level_fail ini option.') config.addinivalue_line( 'markers', 'qt_log_ignore: overrides qt_log_ignore ini option.') if config.getoption('qt_log'): config.pluginmanager.register(QtLoggingPlugin(config), '_qt_logging') def pytest_report_header(): return ['qt-api: %s' % QT_API] @pytest.fixture def qtlog(request): """Fixture that can access messages captured during testing""" if hasattr(request._pyfuncitem, 'qt_log_capture'): return request._pyfuncitem.qt_log_capture else: return _QtMessageCapture([]) # pragma: no cover class QtLoggingPlugin(object): """ Pluging responsible for installing a QtMessageHandler before each test and augment reporting if the test failed with the messages captured. """ LOG_FAIL_OPTIONS = ['NO', 'CRITICAL', 'WARNING', 'DEBUG'] def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def pytest_runtest_setup(self, item): if item.get_marker('no_qt_log'): return m = item.get_marker('qt_log_ignore') if m: ignore_regexes = m.args else: ignore_regexes = self.config.getini('qt_log_ignore') item.qt_log_capture = _QtMessageCapture(ignore_regexes) item.qt_log_capture._start() @pytest.mark.hookwrapper def pytest_runtest_makereport(self, item, call): """Add captured Qt messages to test item report if the call failed.""" outcome = yield if not hasattr(item, 'qt_log_capture'): return if call.when == 'call': report = outcome.result m = item.get_marker('qt_log_level_fail') if m: log_fail_level = m.args[0] else: log_fail_level = self.config.getini('qt_log_level_fail') assert log_fail_level in QtLoggingPlugin.LOG_FAIL_OPTIONS # make test fail if any records were captured which match # log_fail_level if log_fail_level != 'NO' and report.outcome != 'failed': for rec in item.qt_log_capture.records: if rec.matches_level(log_fail_level) and not rec.ignored: report.outcome = 'failed' if report.longrepr is None: report.longrepr = \ _QtLogLevelErrorRepr(item, log_fail_level) break # if test has failed, add recorded messages to its terminal # representation if not report.passed: long_repr = getattr(report, 'longrepr', None) if hasattr(long_repr, 'addsection'): # pragma: no cover log_format = self.config.getoption('qt_log_format') lines = [] for rec in item.qt_log_capture.records: suffix = ' (IGNORED)' if rec.ignored else '' line = log_format.format(rec=rec) + suffix lines.append(line) if lines: long_repr.addsection('Captured Qt messages', '\n'.join(lines)) item.qt_log_capture._stop() del item.qt_log_capture class _QtMessageCapture(object): """ Captures Qt messages when its `handle` method is installed using qInstallMsgHandler, and stores them into `records` attribute. :attr _records: list of Record instances. :attr _ignore_regexes: list of regexes (as strings) that define if a record should be ignored. """ def __init__(self, ignore_regexes): self._records = [] self._ignore_regexes = ignore_regexes or [] self._previous_handler = None def _start(self): """ Start receiving messages from Qt. """ if qInstallMsgHandler: previous_handler = qInstallMsgHandler(self._handle_no_context) else: assert qInstallMessageHandler previous_handler = qInstallMessageHandler(self._handle_with_context) self._previous_handler = previous_handler def _stop(self): """ Stop receiving messages from Qt, restoring the previously installed handler. """ if qInstallMsgHandler: qInstallMsgHandler(self._previous_handler) else: assert qInstallMessageHandler qInstallMessageHandler(self._previous_handler) @contextmanager def disabled(self): """ Context manager that temporarily disables logging capture while inside it. """ self._stop() try: yield finally: self._start() _Context = namedtuple('_Context', 'file function line') def _append_new_record(self, msg_type, message, context): """ Creates a new Record instance and stores it. :param msg_type: Qt message typ :param message: message string, if bytes it will be converted to str. :param context: QMessageLogContext object or None """ def to_unicode(s): if isinstance(s, bytes): s = s.decode('utf-8', 'replace') return s message = to_unicode(message) ignored = False for regex in self._ignore_regexes: if, message) is not None: ignored = True break if context is not None: context = self._Context( to_unicode(context.file), to_unicode(context.function), context.line, ) self._records.append(Record(msg_type, message, ignored, context)) def _handle_no_context(self, msg_type, message): """ Method to be installed using qInstallMsgHandler (Qt4), stores each message into the `_records` attribute. """ self._append_new_record(msg_type, message, context=None) def _handle_with_context(self, msg_type, context, message): """ Method to be installed using qInstallMessageHandler (Qt5), stores each message into the `_records` attribute. """ self._append_new_record(msg_type, message, context=context) @property def records(self): """Access messages captured so far. :rtype: list of `Record` instances. """ return self._records[:]
[docs]class Record(object): """Hold information about a message sent by one of Qt log functions. :ivar str message: message contents. :ivar Qt.QtMsgType type: enum that identifies message type :ivar str type_name: ``type`` as string: ``"QtDebugMsg"``, ``"QtWarningMsg"`` or ``"QtCriticalMsg"``. :ivar str log_type_name: type name similar to the logging package: ``DEBUG``, ``WARNING`` and ``CRITICAL``. :ivar datetime.datetime when: when the message was captured :ivar bool ignored: If this record matches a regex from the "qt_log_ignore" option. :ivar context: a namedtuple containing the attributes ``file``, ``function``, ``line``. Only available in Qt5, otherwise is None. """ def __init__(self, msg_type, message, ignored, context): self._type = msg_type self._message = message self._type_name = self._get_msg_type_name(msg_type) self._log_type_name = self._get_log_type_name(msg_type) self._when = self._ignored = ignored self._context = context message = property(lambda self: self._message) type = property(lambda self: self._type) type_name = property(lambda self: self._type_name) log_type_name = property(lambda self: self._log_type_name) when = property(lambda self: self._when) ignored = property(lambda self: self._ignored) context = property(lambda self: self._context) @classmethod def _get_msg_type_name(cls, msg_type): """ Return a string representation of the given QtMsgType enum value. """ if not getattr(cls, '_type_name_map', None): cls._type_name_map = { QtDebugMsg: 'QtDebugMsg', QtWarningMsg: 'QtWarningMsg', QtCriticalMsg: 'QtCriticalMsg', QtFatalMsg: 'QtFatalMsg', } return cls._type_name_map[msg_type] @classmethod def _get_log_type_name(cls, msg_type): """ Return a string representation of the given QtMsgType enum value in the same style used by the builtin logging package. """ if not getattr(cls, '_log_type_name_map', None): cls._log_type_name_map = { QtDebugMsg: 'DEBUG', QtWarningMsg: 'WARNING', QtCriticalMsg: 'CRITICAL', QtFatalMsg: 'FATAL', } return cls._log_type_name_map[msg_type] def matches_level(self, level): if level == 'DEBUG': return self.log_type_name in ('DEBUG', 'WARNING', 'CRITICAL') elif level == 'WARNING': return self.log_type_name in ('WARNING', 'CRITICAL') elif level == 'CRITICAL': return self.log_type_name in ('CRITICAL',) else: raise ValueError('log_fail_level unknown: {0}'.format(level))
class _QtLogLevelErrorRepr(TerminalRepr): """ TerminalRepr of a test which didn't fail by normal means, but emitted messages at or above the allowed level. """ def __init__(self, item, level): msg = 'Failure: Qt messages with level {0} or above emitted' path, line_index, _ = item.location self.fileloc = ReprFileLocation(path, lineno=line_index + 1, message=msg.format(level.upper())) self.sections = [] def addsection(self, name, content, sep="-"): self.sections.append((name, content, sep)) def toterminal(self, out): self.fileloc.toterminal(out) for name, content, sep in self.sections: out.sep(sep, name) out.line(content)