
pytest-qt is a pytest plugin that provides fixtures to help programmers write tests for PySide and PyQt.

The main usage is to use the qtbot fixture, which provides methods to simulate user interaction, like key presses and mouse clicks:

def test_hello(qtbot):
    widget = HelloWidget()
    # click in the Greet button and make sure it updates the appropriate label
    qtbot.mouseClick(window.button_greet, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton)
    assert window.greet_label.text() == 'Hello!'


Python 2.6 or later, including Python 3+.

Tested with pytest version 2.5.2.

Works with either PySide, PyQt4 or PyQt5, picking whichever is available on the system giving preference to the first one installed in this order:

  • PySide
  • PyQt4
  • PyQt5

To force a particular API, set the environment variable PYTEST_QT_API to pyside, pyqt4 or pyqt5.


The package may be installed by running:

pip install pytest-qt

Or alternatively, download the package from pypi, extract and execute:

python install

Both methods will automatically register it for usage in py.test.


If you intend to develop pytest-qt itself, use virtualenv to activate a new fresh environment and execute:

git clone
cd pytest-qt
python develop
pip install pyside # or pyqt4/pyqt5


This projects follows semantic versioning.