

  • SignalBlocker now has a args attribute with the arguments of the signal that triggered it, or None on a time out (115). Thanks @billyshambrook for the request and @The-Compiler for the PR.
  • MultiSignalBlocker is now properly disconnects from signals upon exit.


  • Exception capturing now happens as early/late as possible in order to catch all possible exceptions (including fixtures)(105). Thanks @The-Compiler for the request.
  • Widgets registered by qtbot.addWidget are now closed before all other fixtures are tear down (106). Thanks @The-Compiler for request.
  • qtbot now has a new wait method which does a blocking wait while the event loop continues to run, similar to QTest::qWait. Thanks @The-Compiler for the PR (closes 107)!
  • raise RuntimeError instead of ImportError when failing to import any Qt binding: raising the latter causes pluggy in pytest-2.8 to generate a subtle warning instead of a full blown error. Thanks @Sheeo for bringing this problem to attention (closes 109).


  • pytest.mark.qt_log_ignore now supports an extend parameter that will extend the list of regexes used to ignore Qt messages (defaults to False). Thanks @The-Compiler for the PR (99).
  • Fixed internal error when interacting with other plugins that raise an error, hiding the original exception (98). Thanks @The-Compiler for the PR!
  • Now pytest-qt is properly tested with PyQt5 on Travis-CI. Many thanks to @The-Compiler for the PR!


  • PYTEST_QT_API can now be set to pyqt4v2 in order to use version 2 of the PyQt4 API. Thanks @montefra for the PR (93)!


  • Reduced verbosity when exceptions are captured in virtual methods (77, thanks @The-Compiler).
  • pytestqt.plugin has been split in several files (74) and tests have been moved out of the pytestqt package. This should not affect users, but it is worth mentioning nonetheless.
  • QApplication.processEvents() is now called before and after other fixtures and teardown hooks, to better try to avoid non-processed events from leaking from one test to the next. (67, thanks @The-Compiler).
  • Show Qt/PyQt/PySide versions in pytest header (68, thanks @The-Compiler!).
  • Disconnect SignalBlocker functions after its loop exits to ensure second emissions that call the internal functions on the now-garbage-collected SignalBlocker instance (#69, thanks @The-Compiler for the PR).


  • Exceptions are now captured also during test tear down, as delayed events will get processed then and might raise exceptions in virtual methods; this is specially problematic in PyQt5.5, which changed the behavior to call abort by default, which will crash the interpreter. (65, thanks @The-Compiler).


  • Fixed log line number in messages, and provide better contextual information in Qt5 (55, thanks @The-Compiler);
  • Fixed issue where exceptions inside a waitSignals or waitSignal with-statement block would be swallowed and a SignalTimeoutError would be raised instead. (59, thanks @The-Compiler for bringing up the issue and providing a test case);
  • Fixed issue where the first usage of qapp fixture would return None. Thanks to @gqmelo for noticing and providing a PR;
  • New qtlog now sports a context manager method, disabled (58). Thanks @The-Compiler for the idea and testing;


  • Messages sent by qDebug, qWarning, qCritical are captured and displayed when tests fail, similar to pytest-catchlog. Also, tests can be configured to automatically fail if an unexpected message is generated.
  • New method waitSignals: will block untill all signals given are triggered (thanks @The-Compiler for idea and complete PR).
  • New parameter raising to waitSignals and waitSignals: when True will raise a qtbot.SignalTimeoutError exception when timeout is reached (defaults to False). (thanks again to @The-Compiler for idea and complete PR).
  • pytest-qt now requires pytest version >= 2.7.

Internal changes to improve memory management

  • QApplication.exit() is no longer called at the end of the test session and the QApplication instance is not garbage collected anymore;
  • QtBot no longer receives a QApplication as a parameter in the constructor, always referencing QApplication.instance() now; this avoids keeping an extra reference in the qtbot instances.
  • deleteLater is called on widgets added in QtBot.addWidget at the end of each test;
  • QApplication.processEvents() is called at the end of each test to make sure widgets are cleaned up;


  • pytest-qt now supports PyQt5!

    Which Qt api will be used is still detected automatically, but you can choose one using the PYTEST_QT_API environment variable (the old PYTEST_QT_FORCE_PYQT is still supported for backward compatibility).

    Many thanks to @jdreaver for helping to test this release!


  • Now the module ``qt_compat`` no longer sets QString and QVariant APIs to 2 for PyQt, making it compatible for those still using version 1 of the API.


  • Now it is possible to disable automatic exception capture by using markers or a pytest.ini option. Consult the documentation for more information. (26, thanks @datalyze-solutions for bringing this up).
  • QApplication instance is created only if it wasn’t created yet (21, thanks @fabioz!)
  • addWidget now keeps a weak reference its widgets (#20, thanks @fabioz)


  • Fixed 16: a signal emitted immediately inside a waitSignal block now works as expected (thanks @baudren).


This version include the new waitSignal function, which makes it easy to write tests for long running computations that happen in other threads or processes:

def test_long_computation(qtbot):
    app = Application()

    # Watch for the app.worker.finished signal, then start the worker.
    with qtbot.waitSignal(app.worker.finished, timeout=10000) as blocker:
        blocker.connect(app.worker.failed)  # Can add other signals to blocker
        # Test will wait here until either signal is emitted, or 10 seconds has elapsed

    assert blocker.signal_triggered  # Assuming the work took less than 10 seconds

Many thanks to @jdreaver for discussion and complete PR! (12, 13)


  • Added stop as an alias for stopForInteraction (10, thanks @itghisi)

  • Now exceptions raised in virtual methods make tests fail, instead of silently passing (11). If an exception is raised, the test will fail and it exceptions that happened inside virtual calls will be printed as such:

    E           Failed: Qt exceptions in virtual methods:
    E           ________________________________________________________________________________
    E             File "x:\pytest-qt\pytestqt\_tests\", line 14, in event
    E               raise ValueError('mistakes were made')
    E           ValueError: mistakes were made
    E           ________________________________________________________________________________
    E             File "x:\pytest-qt\pytestqt\_tests\", line 14, in event
    E               raise ValueError('mistakes were made')
    E           ValueError: mistakes were made
    E           ________________________________________________________________________________

    Thanks to @jdreaver for request and sample code!

  • Fixed documentation for QtBot: it was not being rendered in the docs due to an import error.


Python 3 support.


Minor documentation fixes.


Small bug fix release.


First working version.